Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It's been so long...

I'm sorry it has been so long since I have given an update. It just seems like life doesn't slow down. We have been doing well. Ethan had a Birthday on January 21st. I can't believe he is 4! And let me tell you, Mr. Independent has arrived! He has really taken this 4 year old thing quite seriously! He tells me, "I'm 4 now mommy, I can do this!" Ayden is full of life and into everything. It was so nice yesterday, we went to the park. Ayden thought he could do everything that all the big kids were doing! I tell you that kid has no fear! He's so full of life! Below is a video of Ethan singing in his children's choir! Their choir sings every third Sunday of the month.

My Birthday Boy!

Birthday Cake!

My Sweet Baby loving on Daddy!

Thanks for checking in on us.