Monday, June 8, 2009

Ethan's Baptism

Well, I could not be more proud of our son for more than one reason! First of all, I stand in awe of the fact that at 3 years old Ethan understood that he was a sinner in need of a Savior! He accepted that there was no way to heaven accept through Jesus' perfect shed blood, and he asked Jesus to be his own PERSONAL Savior. We wanted to wait a while to "test" if you will his understanding of salvation before he was baptized. So for about a year, we have been watching and waiting for the "proof of salvation". There has not been one time that I have doubted Ethan's salvation. Ethan knows without a doubt who his Savior is, and I rejoice greatly in this. Not only can he tell us clearly that Jesus is his Savior but there is evidence in his fruit! The Bible tells us that those who are a child of God, "saved" if you will, will bare fruit. Let me just tell you, our little Ethan bares much fruit. He constantly has a song in his heart for Jesus, He has already preached several of his first messages, and is a little soul winner wherever he goes handing out tracts and such! I submit to you that this is fruit! He is already trying to win his little brother over to the Lord. He has amazing spiritual discernment for one so young, and has an unbelievable way of memorizing Scripture that puts his mommy to shame. He has learned many verses and almost knows every book of the Bible in order, all 66 of them! I say this not for our honor and glory but to the Glory of God who makes all things possible! So needless to say, this last month we were confident that Ethan was ready to be baptized! We spoke to him about it and he was really excited and wanted to do it. He did end up getting a little scared when the time came but I am so proud of how brave he was! I think what scared him was that Pastor told him that the water was hot. Below I have posted a video of his baptism. Please rejoice with us in this step of faith our son has taken. He was so proud of himself afterwards that he actually did it! Mommy and Daddy told him how brave he was! Remember, bravery does not mean you are never afraid. It means that even though you are afraid, you do what you know you need to do! What a brave little boy we have! We pray our boys will be leaders and as a friend of mine says, "world changers"! That's what we need today! The sound is pretty good so you will hear his response to Pastor's questions as well as his tears at the end!

Friday, June 5, 2009


Well! I know you thought I have fallen off the face of the earth, but have no fear, I'm still here!! I confess I have a hard time keeping this blog up like I had hoped, but I'm still trying. I know you are really here to see pictures so I will be brief with my update. We are all doing well and enjoying the warm weather here in Alabama. Ethan's T-ball season is over but Zach is still in the midst of his softball season. I am now working with the bus ministry on Wednesday nights at our church. I teach the 4th-6th grade girls class and I love it! I praise God for this opportunity to share HIM with these wonderful girls. This Wednesday I taught a lesson, and afterwards there was at least one girl saved and four more receiving assurance of their salvation. I praise the Lord for this, for it is only through Him that such a work can be done! Having the responsibility of teaching these young ladies from God's Word has given my an new appreciation for the Bible. It has given me a new yearning to search out the Scriptures, and I am so excited about this! I stand amazed that God's Word has stood the tests of time and remains true today! God knew thousands of years ago the things we would have to deal with today! Some people say that the Bible is an "old book"! May I suggest that the Bible contains EVERY bit of information we need today and we can thrive in this life because of the things God teaches us in His Word. Thank you Lord for giving me this opportunity. If you can't tell, I am excited about this young class. Please pray for us. These girls have such potential! Here are some new pics!
My Mommy thinks I'm cute!
This is when Ayden had a mysterious full body rash.

Running and playing in the mud!

She's actually letting me do this?!

Don't worry, they got a bath as soon as they got inside!

Ethan helping mommy peal potatoes! What a helper!