Friday, June 5, 2009


Well! I know you thought I have fallen off the face of the earth, but have no fear, I'm still here!! I confess I have a hard time keeping this blog up like I had hoped, but I'm still trying. I know you are really here to see pictures so I will be brief with my update. We are all doing well and enjoying the warm weather here in Alabama. Ethan's T-ball season is over but Zach is still in the midst of his softball season. I am now working with the bus ministry on Wednesday nights at our church. I teach the 4th-6th grade girls class and I love it! I praise God for this opportunity to share HIM with these wonderful girls. This Wednesday I taught a lesson, and afterwards there was at least one girl saved and four more receiving assurance of their salvation. I praise the Lord for this, for it is only through Him that such a work can be done! Having the responsibility of teaching these young ladies from God's Word has given my an new appreciation for the Bible. It has given me a new yearning to search out the Scriptures, and I am so excited about this! I stand amazed that God's Word has stood the tests of time and remains true today! God knew thousands of years ago the things we would have to deal with today! Some people say that the Bible is an "old book"! May I suggest that the Bible contains EVERY bit of information we need today and we can thrive in this life because of the things God teaches us in His Word. Thank you Lord for giving me this opportunity. If you can't tell, I am excited about this young class. Please pray for us. These girls have such potential! Here are some new pics!
My Mommy thinks I'm cute!
This is when Ayden had a mysterious full body rash.

Running and playing in the mud!

She's actually letting me do this?!

Don't worry, they got a bath as soon as they got inside!

Ethan helping mommy peal potatoes! What a helper!

1 comment:

tascha said...

What fun!! i WAS beginning to wonder :) I tried to call the other day (again) and kept getting the voice mail... and of course, busy - busy at church... so - talk to you someday :)