Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Here, There and Everywhere!

The title of my post pretty much explains our life right now! Zach is playing softball for our church and Ethan is playing T-ball. Between ball games and church and serving the Lord however He sees fit, we have been gone almost every night for the last few weeks! We definitely lead a Full life! Sometimes I find myself asking the question, "Is it worth it?" My answer to that would be yes, if what we are doing brings honor and glory to God. Zach and I try to lead a life that brings honor and glory to God at all times so that others see a difference in us. We want people to see in us that God has something to offer that the world does not. I pray that we can do this with a humble spirit so that we do not come across as being "Holier that Thou" because we certainly do not think of ourselves as being "better" than anyone else! I pray that the people we come into contact with at the ball parks and Walmart, and anywhere else we go, will say to themselves, "There is just something different about them, and I want whatever they have too!" God offers us something so priceless that the world cannot even try to equal. He offers peace, hope, security, and eternal life through His Son, Jesus! Anything short of that is pretty much worthless to me! I just pray that we can share this priceless gift with others!

I'm so proud of Ethan! He has already understood that he is a sinner and has asked Jesus Christ to take his sins away. I cannot even begin to explain what joy this brings to me to know that Ethan and I will spend eternity in heaven together with our Savior! I guess what saddens me the most is that we all have loved ones that we will be separated from for eternity unless they accept what Jesus did for them on the cross. But this is not so with our beloved son, Ethan. And, because of his decision for Christ, he is going to be baptized this Sunday night! We did not want to push him in this decision, but he was the one to actually bring this up. He was very adamant that he wanted to be baptized. Believe it or not, even a four year old can understand that baptism is a step of obedience to God, and Ethan very much wants to be obedient! We will try to video tape it and post it next week. Our prayer is now that God will use Ethan mightily for Him. We are also praying fervently that God will save Ayden at an early age! Please pray about this with us!

Well, we are all well for the moment and I do hope we stay that way. Ayden just got over a double ear infection and Ethan had a cold. We are enjoying 80 degree weather here in sunny Alabama, and spending most of it outside! My birthday is tomorrow. My family and I celebrated last weekend with a dinner out to Olive Garden. It was wonderful! My husband bought me a sowing machine (I'm picking up a new hobby), and my mom got me a new dress! For those of you wondering how old I am, I'm not going to come right out and tell you but I will tell you I was born in 1981. I know you can figure it out! I'll post some picks of the boys now since I know that is what you really want to see! Thanks again for stopping by to check on us!

My three "men" chilling out on the couch!

I just woke up an I want my mommy!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Ethan's T-Ball Schedule

For those of you who are interested and would like to try to make it to one of Ethan's T-Ball games, here is a link to his Season Schedule.


Life's Struggles and Blessings

Well, you may be wondering if the Lang family has fallen off the face of the earth! I am happy to say that we are still here and thriving! We have been so busy that I can hardly keep up with my house let alone a blog, but I will try to update you as best I can. I have more pictures to post but those will have to wait until I have more time. I have title my post the way I have because it seems that we have had some struggles these last few months but also so many amazing blessings! My children have not been well, in fact, two weeks ago, all three of my precious men were sick with the stomach bug. Zach bounced back pretty quick from it, but two young ones took about a week to get over it completely. But in this trial, I found a great blessing! I never got sick! Not once when my family was sick did I feel the least bit ill. Praise the Lord because only such protection could come from Him! I'll spare you all the details about how much cleaning up I had to do. but God truly knew that mama must be spared to get through the week we went through. I praise you Lord! The week after everyone was sick, we made a trip to Ohio to see family and friends. We had a wonderful time, and I'm so thankful that everyone was well for the trip. The boys did great on the airplane, another huge blessing! Well, we got back from our trip this past Tuesday, and that evening Ayden started to break out in a rash. When he woke up Wednesday morning, his face was swollen and the rash covered his whole body. The doctor says it is some sort of allergic reaction. Your guess is as good as mine as to what he is reacting to! Please pray for this to clear up. It does not seem to be bothering him too much, but it does look awful! And to top all that off, Ethan now has a fever and a cough. The blessing in this is my children seem to be handling all of this just fine! Thank you Lord! It could be so much worse couldn't it? One more struggle, I would like to share with you (and ask you to pray for too) is for my husbands job. I know many are concerned about there jobs these days and we are no different. I praise the Lord that we still have a job, but Zach has had to take a pay cut. I want to thank Pinnacle Engineering for how upfront they have been with us and for the sacrifices they have made to ensure that everyone has a job. This pay cut was to avoid laying anyone off so for now we still have a job. Please just pray that things will turn around soon. I have found several blessings in all of this So I will just number them off for you. Number one: The company has been so upfront about everything and my husband didn't just get laid off one day without a hint of anything going down. Number two: I'm thankful that the Lord has revealed to us His principles in handling finances so that this news is not devastating to us. Number three: We had pledged a certain amount of money to our church building fund and we paid that off the week before we found out about the pay cut. I can't praise the Lord enough about that! He is so Good! The bottom line is that God is so Good through the good times and the bad. I know that even if Zach did lose his job, God would provide for us. He always has and I do not expect Him to stop now. I hope to post pictures soon! We are busy with T-ball, softball, and many other activities. Oh, and Ethan has finished learning the Roman's Road Bible verses and I will post a video soon of him saying his verses!